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We cannot create events and sponsor seniors without the help of our generous community.

Please help make this year the best senior year possible!


Lake Travis Project Graduation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, EIN number74-2991202. Your donation may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please Check with your tax professional.

To make a Monetary Donation Click Here.

To make an In-kind Donation Click Here.

(Goods, Services, & Gift Cards rather than monetary.)

Choose Your Giving Level and Make an Impact!


$1,000 - Platinum Donor

you receive

Donor name on website 

1 Annual Year Book

1 Senior T-shirt


$500 - Gold Donor 

you receive

Donor name on website 

PG Store $50 merch credit


$250 - Silver Donor

you receive

Donor name on website 

PG Store $25 merch credit


$100 -  Bronze Donor

you receive

Donor name on website


Thank You Donors!
Juliet Peniston
Sheila Korla
Anita Henry
Melody Rajski
Bao Ho
Chris Albrecht
Dawn Smyth
Lisa Murphy

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